1 Old HSK word(s): ** D

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no, not / un- / negative prefix
pity, regret, rue, begrudge

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:


6 NHSK word(s): 尽管* 4 jin3 guan3despite/ although/ even though/ in spite of/ unhesitatingly/ do not hesitate (to ask; complain etc)/ (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 犹豫* 5 you2 yu4to hesitate 迟疑* 6 chi2 yi2to hesitate 踌躇* 6 chou2 chu2to hesitate 不惜* 6 bu4 xi1not stint/ not spare/ not hesitate (to do sth)/ not scruple (to do sth) 徘徊* 6 pai2 huai2to dither/ to hesitate/ to pace back and forth/ by ext. to hover around/ to linger
1 KOREAN6000 word(s):
C 망설이다 [mangseol-ida] Hesitate

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):